Boston Pride

In light of the Marathon Bombing that occurred in Boston on April 15, 2013, and being born and bred in Massachusetts, I need to devote this blog entry to the unbelievable happenings of the past week. I have never been more proud to call myself a Bostonian. I’ve spent the majority of my life on the North Shore, but did live in the downtown area for the two years I went to Boston University. What we’ve witnessed this past week has been mind numbing.

My heart goes out to those that lost their lives and limbs that day. My heart goes out to the families. My heart goes out to all of us grieving, trying to cope. Trying to understand why anyone would harm a family event.

Yet I believe one thing, and as Bostonians we proved it: we will not be forced into fear. We will not back down. We will not forget. I know runners already planning to run next year. I have no doubt that the Boston Marathon of 2014 will be a huge event. A carefully watched and controlled event, but a huge celebration. Because we are Boston.

I am humbled by the events that unrolled in the week after the bombings. Five days later those responsible were caught. For one day all of Massachusetts (and beyond) held their breath. Some of us stuck at home or work, sheltering in place, as police and FBI did their job. They brought justice for the now four victims. They stopped the fear. Above all, they did their job. And we are forever thankful.

I spent the day glued to the television, to social media, getting updates on what was going on. Even though I was not in the affected lockdown cities I changed plans from outside to inside, keeping my young son safe. The air was different that day. And I felt pride. Pride that less then a week later the bad guys were caught. The whole situation was unreal, is unreal, and will be unreal for quite some time. I am thankful not more lives were lost. I morn the few that were and the unimaginable recoveries some individuals and families face.

I am proud to be a Bostonian. We are not to be messed with. We are Boston.